Thankfully Reading Weekend 2014: Thursday

Happy Thanksgiving y'all! What an amazing, fun filled day full of family and food. I ate way too much and laughed so much. It has been a busy and crazy day but so fun! I love my family and Thanksgiving really is one of my favorite holidays. This is just part of our amazing spread!

As far as reading goes I haven't been able to do much. I read a little of Cinder this morning and more tonight. I am really getting into this book. It feels a little different from a lot of books I have read lately and I am looking forward to seeing how it develops. I also love a good alternative twist to an old fairy tale. I have had lots of driving/cooking time to listen to the audiobook The Racketeer. I am definitely loving this book. I am already trying to predict the MCs next move and where this book is going and so far I haven't been able to figure it out. I can't wait to see what happens with this one. 

I am pretty tired from this day (food coma) so I think I will call it a night soon. But I am looking forward to tomorrow which will hopefully be a read all day kind of day. What books have you been enjoying on this Thanksgiving Day? 

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