Bout of Books 22

It is time for Bout of Books!  

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda Shofner and Kelly Rubidoux Apple. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 14th and runs through Sunday, May 20th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 22 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team

I love Bout of Books. It is always a fun time. It will be a busy week so not sure how much reading I will get in but I plan on having fun.



This is my TBR for Bout of Books. I also have a graphic novel, audiobooks and ARCs to read from and I have two books in process. I will be happy if I get a chance to finish 3 books this week. 



Day one of Bout of Books was actually pretty great thanks to audiobooks! I had to work at the library and then had a photo shoot that evening so I didn’t get much regular book reading in. But my audiobook Exit, Pursued by a Bear is so good it is really hard to turn off. I also finished one book I had to read for work. It is a children’s book, The Poppy Lady. It is about the women who popularized the use of poppies as a symbol of fallen soldiers in WWI. I have a patron who wants to come in and do a program on her and I am excited because it’s a fascinating story. 

Monday Numbers:

Pages read: 157

Audiobook Time: 4 hours 47 minutes

Books finished: 1



Today was a busy day so not much time for reading. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I have a photo session in the morning but then I am off the rest of the day. It’s supposed to rain all day so I plan to snuggle in bed with books and kitties!

Tuesday Numbers:

Pages read: 47

Audiobook Time: 3 hours 5 minutes

Books finished: 1


Today was a much better day reading wise! I had a photo session in the morning, hung out with my sister and kitties for a little bit and then went home and read all afternoon. It was an awesome day! I finished Furyborn. It definitely lives up to the pre published hype. I enjoyed the world creating and am looking forward to the reading the other two in the future.

Wednesday Numbers:

Pages read: 313

Audiobook Time: 2 hours 27 minutes

Books finished: 1




Well today was pretty much a terrible reading day. I worked until 10:30 at night so I only had time for a little bit of audio booking and a few pages of my ebook.  It was an exhausting day.

 Thursday Numbers:

Pages read: 79

Audiobook Time: 3 hours 13 minutes

Books finished: 0


This was another terrible reading day. I was just too busy. I worked all day and then headed to my sisters to spend the night for her Royal Wedding party tomorrow. I can’t wait! 👑  

Friday Numbers:

Pages read: 22

Audiobook Time: 28 minutes

Books finished: 0


I simply didn’t have time to read today. I had to watch the Royal wedding. Twice. And my husband and I celebrated our eleventh anniversary. It was a packed and wonderful day with not much reading time but that ok. That’s what I love about Bout of Books. I don’t feel guilty when I can’t get a lot of reading in.

Saturday Numbers:

Pages read: 22

Audiobook Time: 24 minutes

Books finished: 0


This was a much better reading day! I read the whole day except for four hours when I had to photograph a theatre show. It stormed so hard today and there is nothing better than curling up with a good book while it’s pouring. 

I finished Flunk. Start. Wow what an excellent book. If you are looking for a book on Scientology that is shocking with lots of reveals and shocking details this is not the book for you. This is a book full of exploration and inner thoughts of a woman caught up in this cult. It’s very good.

I came within an hour of finishing The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue audiobook. It’s such a funny but also sad book. I really wanted to finish it but I am too tired and about to fall asleep.  

I am also reading an e-ARC The High Season. I am enjoying it so far. Although sometimes I get tired of reading books about people who just keep getting screwed over. I hope this one has a happy ending. 

 Sunday Numbers:

Pages read: 307

Audiobook Time: 2 hours 17 minutes

Books finished: 1